・Pacific Air Forces \1,470
・ALASKAN Air Command \1,470
・15th Air Force Aircrew \1,260
・7th Operations Group \1,470
・39th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Wing \1,470
・56th Medical Group \840
・94th Operations Group \840
・94th Airlift Wing \840
・94th Airlift Wing (OD) \840
・94th Airlift Wing (OD) \840
・129th Rescue Wing \840
・133rd Airlift Wing (Desert) \840
・155th Air Refueling Wing (Desert) \840
・347th Air Expeditionary Wing / USAF's first true AEF \1,260
・363rd Expeditionary Operations Group / Desert Eagle \1,470
・405th Air Expeditionary Wing (Desert) \840
・475th Weapons Evaluation Group \1,260
・451th Air Expeditionary Group (Desert) \840
・720th Special Tactics Group (Desert) \1,260
・Air National Guard \840
・184th Bomb Wing \840
・9th Air Force / Central (Desert) \840
・Air Force Reserve Command (1) \1,470
・Air Force Reserve Command (2) \1,470
・2nd Command and Control Squadron \1,470
・78th Air Refueling Squadron \1,470
・94th Fighter Squadron \1,470
・96th Flying Training Squadron \1,470
・90th FS / CMHI \1,470
・90th FS / Kwangju 2001\1,260
・111th Reconnaissance Squadron \1,470
・112th Fighter Squadron \1,470
・332d Expeditionary Air Control Squadron / KINGPIN \1,260
・335th Tactical Fighter Squadron \1,260
・390th FS / Wild Boar EAGLE Driver \1,470
・323rd Training Squadron \1,470
・425th Fighter Squadron \1,470
・457th Airlift Squadron 教官 \1,260
・4th Special Operations Squadron \1,470
・550th Special Operations Squadron \1,260
・34th Weapons Squadron \1,890
・418th Flight Test Squadron \1,260
・4486th Fighter Weapons Squadron \1,260
・B-2 Stealth Bomber / Whiteman AFB \1,470
・B-2 Stealth Bomber / Tinker AFB \1,260
・F-16 飛行1時間記念パッチ \1,680
・F-16 Fighting Falson \1,470
・F-117 Born in the USA \1,260
・C-5 Galaxy / SCTS \1,260
・C-5 RERP flight test team \1,470
・AC-130 Gunner \1,470
・SR-71 HABU \1,260
・8th Flying Training Squadron / T-6 Texan II \1,260
・Targeting Weaponeering Assistance Cell \1,470
・Integrated Munitions Effects Assessment \1,470
・USAF Parachuting Water Survival \1,260
・USAF Combat Rescue Officer \1,260
・USAF Pararescue (Desert) \1,470
・USAF Pararescue \630
・Tactical Air Guard \1,470 |